Ladies and gentlemen, when you keep from entertaining loose people, that's when you'll meet your soulmate!
If you REALLY wanna meet your soulmate, learn to ENJOY being single!
Also figure out your life purpose, get to working within it (won't even feel like work cuz you love it sooo much), take yourself out on dates, heal from your past trauma and just do you!
Redirect all that sexual energy into GOALS! If you wanna learn how to do this, get Napoleon Hill's book called "Think and Grow Rich" and read chapter 11. I promise it will change your life!
Your soulmate will appear when you least expect it as a result. When you know someone is the one, YOU WILL KNOW! We are all spiritual beings!
Also STOP focusing on good looks, a nice body and how much money a person makes or what they do for a living! Whatever their purpose is will align with yours! And whatever they look like won't even matter!
You want "your type" and're gonna get your type. But after a while that relationship will fall apart because it wasn't a relationship based on PURPOSE! I know this personally cuz I've been there several times!